Human Resources

Appeal Letter Sample

We provide the following appeal letter sample for students who do not perform well in college or university. They usually need to express their logical reasons for not performing well. Besides, they need to promise to fix the problem and  do things better in future. See if the reasons match your situations in the appeal letter sample below.
March 15, 2021
Ronald Green
14 Norris Road
Dean of Faculty of Information Technology
University of Gloucester
123 First Street
Dear Sir,
RE : Appeal to The University Admission
I, the undersigned, would kindly request that you reinstate me for next semester. Last week, I  received my dismissal letter. Honestly, I know it was my fault that I was not able to perform the academic standard of performance set by the University.
I had a very difficult situation last semester since my father had to stay in the hospital for his severe illness. Consequently, he could not run his small business to support our family, my two brothers and me. To solve this problem, I had to replace him running his small business to earn money for our family. Therefore, I did not have enough time and energy to accomplish my 20 credit hours, and I could not do well in the last examination. I understand I should have communicated with my professor. I thought I would be able to undertake the situation, but I was wrong.
Now that, my father has recovered, I am confident that I will be able to improve my academic performance as I have done before. Besides, I love Gloucester University, and being a graduate of it in a timely manner is my obsessional pride. If I am reinstated next semester, I will focus better on my schoolwork and manage my time more wisely. Also, I have talked with my advisor, and I will follow his advice about communicating with the professor better.
Through this letter, I kindly request that you understand that my low GPA which led to my dismissal does not indicate that I am not able to perform the school standard. I just had a situation that was out of my control. I humbly request that you give me a second chance. Thank you for thinking about this appeal.
Ronald Green

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