Human Resources

Recommendation Letter | Formulating Persuasive Recommendation

In the world of professional and academic pursuits, recommendation letters hold a significant place. These meticulously crafted documents serve as testaments to an individual’s skills, character, and potential. Whether you’re applying for a job, seeking admission to a prestigious institution, or vying for a scholarship, a well-written recommendation letter can be a game-changer. In this article, we are focusing on formulating persuasive recommendation letters that leave a lasting impression.

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You sometimes need a sample recommendation letter for different reasons. Firstly, you need one to express their personal request. Some of you need the letter to help your friends get a job. In addition, some of you may need a sample recommendation letter to write about a product you love. Very often, as employers, you need to write recommendation letters for your former employees. To help you write recommendation letters, we provide you with different recommendation letter samples in the following sections. Get them.

The Meaning of Recommendation Letter


Do you know how to write a recommendation letter? A recommendation letter is a letter written to positively describe somebody, an organization or a company so that the recipient will have more factual consideration in making a decision related to the person or company suggested in it. A recommendation letter is usually written by former employers or supervisors or by somebody who really knows about the person or company that is described.


Recommendation letters are usually required when we apply for a job, enter a college, and continue our education.  Sometimes the recommendation letters play a very important role; even in some cases, recommendation letters can determine the success of an application.  Recommendation letters are usually given by the supervisor, mentor or employer if we ask for them.

The Purpose of Recommendation Letters


Recommendation letters, often referred to as reference letters or simply “rec letters,” are written testimonials that vouch for an individual’s qualifications, abilities, and personal attributes. These letters play a crucial role in various facets of life.

  1. Academic Applications: When applying for colleges, universities, or graduate programs, students rely on recommendation letters from teachers or professors to showcase their academic prowess and character.
  2. Job Applications: In the corporate world, recommendation letters from previous employers or supervisors can significantly impact an individual’s job prospects. They provide insights into the candidate’s work ethic, skills, and suitability for the role.
  3. Scholarships and Grants: Many scholarship and grant applications require recommendation letters to evaluate the applicant’s potential and eligibility for financial support.
  4. Professional Advancement: Within organizations, recommendation letters can be instrumental in career advancement. A well-written letter can support an employee’s case for a promotion or raise.


How To Write a Recommendation Letter


Writing a recommendation letter can be a significant responsibility, as it often plays a crucial role in shaping someone’s future opportunities. Whether you’re endorsing a former employee, colleague, student, or someone else, it’s essential to craft a letter that effectively communicates the individual’s strengths, abilities, and character. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to write a compelling recommendation letter:

1. Understand the Purpose:

Before you start writing, make sure you understand the purpose of the recommendation letter. Are you recommending the individual for a job, academic program, scholarship, or other opportunities? Knowing the context will help you tailor your letter accordingly.

2. Gather Information:

Collect relevant information about the person you’re recommending. This may include their resume, transcripts, work samples, or any other documents that provide insight into their achievements and qualifications.

3. Structure of the Letter:

Your recommendation letter should follow a standard structure, including:

  • Introduction: Begin by stating how you know the individual and your relationship with them.
  • Body: Highlight the candidate’s skills, strengths, accomplishments, and personal qualities. Provide specific examples and anecdotes to support your claims.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your recommendation and express your confidence in the candidate’s abilities.

4. Personalize the Letter:

Tailor the recommendation letter to the specific opportunity or institution the individual is applying to. Highlight skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position or program.

5. Be Specific and Quantify:

Avoid vague statements and generalizations. Instead, provide concrete examples of the candidate’s accomplishments and abilities. If possible, quantify their achievements with numbers or statistics.

6. Highlight Key Qualities:

Focus on the candidate’s key qualities that make them a suitable candidate for the opportunity. This may include their work ethic, leadership skills, creativity, problem-solving abilities, etc.

7. Address Potential Weaknesses:

While it’s essential to highlight the candidate’s strengths, be honest about any weaknesses or areas for improvement. However, frame them in a constructive way and emphasize the individual’s efforts to overcome challenges.

8. Use Professional Language:

Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter. Avoid slang, jargon, or overly casual language. Keep your writing clear, concise, and grammatically correct.

9. Provide Contact Information:

Include your contact information in the letter so that the recipient can reach out to you for further clarification or reference.

10. Proofread and Edit:

Before finalizing the letter, proofread it carefully for any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Editing ensures that your letter is polished and presents the candidate in the best possible light.

What To Write in Recommendation Letter


A letter of recommendation emphasizes how a person has worked or learned on the job or through previous research. They must also include the relationship between the recommended person or organization and the author.  The person who gives a recommendation should have a good reputation.
Writing a letter of recommendation is an easy thing to do. Actually, in writing, the best recommendation is to write honest facts. Just write down what is in accordance with what we see and believe. However, if the person who will be recommended has bad mental aspects or bad performance and achievement, write a recommendation letter for him or her in wise manners. This way, we would maintain our own reputation and avoid disappointment for all parties. Instead of writing a fake recommendation letter, use flexible language to convey what we see.
A letter of recommendation has a standard format. It should normally contain personal or business relationships between the two parties and impressions during the meeting, including initiative power, intellectual power, experimentation expertise, foreign language skills, cooperation, the ability to adapt, and so on.
If possible, we must also mention the working conditions/current research, current status or rank, appropriate research fields, and motivation. They should be mentioned in the letter of recommendation. We can also write something more personal, such as quiet, sociable, cheerful, well, adherence to his religion, and so on.
A good recommendation letter should fulfill the following criteria:
  1. Be honest.
  2. Specifically describe the positive side and strength of the person or company being recommended.

Components of an Effective Recommendation Letter


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Formulating a persuasive recommendation letter requires careful consideration of its structure and content. Here are the key components that make up an effective rec letter:

  1. Introduction: Begin with a formal salutation and a brief introduction of yourself, the recommender. State your position, your relationship with the candidate, and how long you have known them.
  2. Description of the Candidate: Provide a comprehensive overview of the candidate’s qualifications, skills, and achievements. Use specific examples to highlight their strengths and capabilities.
  3. Personal Characteristics: Discuss the candidate’s personal attributes, such as their work ethic, reliability, leadership skills, and ability to work in a team. Share anecdotes or instances that illustrate these qualities.
  4. Specific Achievements: Highlight the candidate’s notable accomplishments, both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Use data or specific outcomes to substantiate your claims.


College Recommendation Letter


Typically written by a teacher, professor, or counselor, this letter supports a student’s application for admission to a college or university.


Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [student’s full name] for admission to [college/university name]. I have had the privilege of knowing and working closely with [student’s last name] for [number of years] as their [your position] at [your institution], and I can confidently attest to their exceptional academic abilities, dedication, and character.

In my capacity as [Your Position], I have had the opportunity to observe [Student’s Last Name]’s academic journey and personal growth. [He/she] is an exceptionally diligent and intelligent individual. 

What sets [student’s last name] apart is not just his/her academic prowess but also his/her exceptional character. [He/she] is a person of integrity, empathy, and great interpersonal skills. [He/she] is a natural leader and has been an active participant in numerous extracurricular activities and community service projects. 

I have no doubt that [student’s last name] will thrive academically and contribute significantly to the intellectual and social fabric of [college or university name]. [He/she] has the qualities of a dedicated scholar and a responsible global citizen. His or her presence at your institution would undoubtedly enrich the campus community.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend [student’s full name] for admission to [college/university name]. [He/she] possesses the academic prowess, passion for learning, and personal qualities that will undoubtedly make [him/her] a valuable member of your academic community. 

Please feel free to contact me at [your email address] or [your phone number] if you require any further information or have any questions regarding [the student’s last name]’s qualifications. Thank you for considering [him/her] for admission to your esteemed institution.


[Your Full Name]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Business Partnership Recommendation Letter


Used in the business world, this letter endorses a company or individual as a reliable and trustworthy partner in a business venture.

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse [Company/Individual Name] as an exemplary choice for a business partnership. It is with great confidence and enthusiasm that I recommend them for any collaborative venture.

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Over the years, I have had the privilege of closely observing [Company/Individual Name]’s dedication to excellence, unwavering integrity, and remarkable competence in the business arena. Their commitment to ethical practices and their track record of delivering outstanding results make them a standout choice for any business collaboration.

One of [Company/Individual Name]’s most commendable attributes is their ability to consistently meet and exceed expectations. Their attention to detail and meticulous approach to every aspect of their work are truly commendable. I have had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand how they meticulously analyze market trends, adapt to changing business landscapes, and employ innovative strategies to ensure success.

Furthermore, [Company/Individual Name] possesses exceptional communication skills. Their clear and concise communication style fosters transparency, which is crucial in any business partnership. They actively engage with stakeholders, maintain open lines of communication, and respond promptly to queries and concerns.

Trustworthiness is the cornerstone of any successful business relationship, and [Company/Individual Name] exemplifies this quality. Their ethical conduct, reliability, and consistent delivery of promises have earned them an impeccable reputation in the industry.

In conclusion, I have no hesitation in recommending [Company/Individual Name] for any business partnership. Their unwavering commitment to excellence, impeccable ethical standards, and exceptional communication skills make them a truly reliable and trustworthy choice. I firmly believe that any collaboration with them will be marked by success, mutual growth, and lasting professional relationships.


[Your Name]
[Contact Information]

Friend Recommendation Letter Sample

115 Palm Avenue, Iowa City
November 11, 2020



John Hernandez
Hilton Hotel
700 Muscat Avenue
Iowa City, IA 52240

Dear Mr. Hernandez:

This is to recommend my best friend, Mr. Angus Lewis, for the post of front office Office Manager.

I have known him for 15 years. He graduated from the National Hotel of Kingston on January 1, 2005. Since then, he and I have been working at the Hotel of Jamaica. His last position was as a front office manager.

Beside English, which is his mother tongue, he is also fluent in Spanish, French, and German. In addition to that, he is very good at handling customer’s concerns. I have noticed a lot of good comments from most of the customers he has dealt with.

I strongly recommend him, and I am sure he will perform his duties up to your standard and even exceed your expectations.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Morris

Download Friend Recommendation Letter Sample here.

Personal Request

123 Long Road, Kingston
November 15, 2017


Desmond Cartwright
Hotel of Jamaica
145 Second Street
Kingston, Jamaica

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Dear Mr. Cartwright:

My name is Steven Hawk. I worked at the Hotel of Jamaica for 15 years. I resigned from the hotel for my career advancement in Iowa, United States. My last position was as a guest relations manager.

I humbly request a recommendation letter from you to support my chances of working at the Hilton Hotel in the USA.  I thank you very much for all your assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Steven Hawk

Product Recommendation


American Air Conditioning Center
255 West Street, Plaines City, IA 50705
September 30, 2021

Ms. Hillary Bardeen
President, Atlantic Engineering, Inc
3222 Altar Street
Plaines City, IA 50505

Dear Ms. Bardeen:

As you requested, please allow me to present our recommendation for an American air conditioning system.

After thoroughly analyzing your company’s management and engineering requirements, we believe that American Air Conditioning System will provide the maximum return on your investment.

For one reason, the American Air Conditioning System protects you against obsolescence in the near future because the equipment the American Air Conditioning System is going to install is a modular design to which you may add additional units as the need arises. Secondly, the design provides flexibility so that it is possible for your company to adjust it to any special conditions as your company grows up.

We believe that you will find this system practical, efficient, and economical for your company at any time. We hope this information will help you decide on the right air conditioning system.

Sincerely yours

William Bentley
Sales Manager

Vendor Recommendation for Exceptional Products and Services


Businesses often use this letter to recommend a supplier or vendor for their products or services, based on quality, reliability, and professionalism.


Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to provide a strong recommendation for [Supplier’s Company Name], a vendor that has consistently demonstrated exceptional quality, reliability, and professionalism.

Over the course of our business relationship with [Supplier’s Company Name], which has spanned [number of years/months], we have been consistently impressed by their commitment to excellence.

Here are some key points that highlight why we wholeheartedly recommend [the supplier’s company name]:

  1. Outstanding Product Quality: [Supplier’s Company Name] delivers products of the highest quality. Their attention to detail and dedication to ensuring that every item they supply meets rigorous quality standards is truly commendable.
  2. Reliability: Reliability is paramount in business partnerships, and [Supplier’s Company Name] has proven time and again to be a partner we can count on.
  3. Professionalism: The professionalism exhibited by the team at [Supplier’s Company Name] is exceptional. From their prompt and courteous communication to their willingness to address any concerns or issues swiftly and efficiently, they exemplify what it means to be a professional supplier.

In conclusion, I cannot emphasize enough how valuable [the supplier’s company name] has been to our business. Their commitment to quality, reliability, and professionalism sets them apart in the industry, making them an ideal choice for any organization seeking a trusted supplier.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information or have specific questions regarding our experience with [Supplier’s Company Name]. I have no doubt that you will find them to be an excellent partner for your business needs.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Contact Information]

Recommendation from Employer

University of Tanjungsiang

October 12, 2021

Mr. Ronald Webster
Personnel Director
Thompson Enterprise
222 State Street
Springfield, IL 62705

Dear Mr. Webster:

As her employer and her former professor, I am happy to have the opportunity to recommend Vicky Hopkins. I have known her for four years, first as a student in my class and for the last two years as a research assistant.

Vicky is an excellent student with above-average grades in our  program.  On the basis of a CPA of 5.6 (A = 6), Vicky was offered a research assistantship to work on a grant under my supervision. In every instance, Vicky completed her library search assignment within the time agreed upon. She also wrote the reports well. While working 15 hours a week on this project, Vicky has maintained a class load of 12 hours per semester.

I strongly recommend Vicky for her ability to work independently, to organize her time effectively, and to write clearly and articulately.

Please let me know if I can be a further assistant.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Landon
Professor of Business

Adapted from Multipurpose Letter

Request for Recommendation Letter Sample


Singapore Airlines
111 Orchard Road, Singapore
Tel. 65-653-234567 Fax. 65-653-234568 E-mail Address :

November 13, 2020

Mr. Bambang Sutoro
Director of Garuda Airlines
Jalan Petamburan 36
Jakarta Pusat

Dear Mr. Sutoro,

Request for Recommendation For Mary Grace

We are trying to recruit more flight attendants for Singapore Airlines, and one of the candidates named Mary Grace used to work for your airline.

Would you please give us information regarding her performance?

We thank you very much for your assistance and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Burton
Human Resources Manager

Scholarship Recommendation Letter Sample

Public University Of Indonesia
Department of English Literature
Faculty of Language
111 Jalan Prof. Lafran Pane, Depok, Indonesia

November 12, 2020

Dr. Julian Harris
Chairman of Department of English Literature

Cambridge University
25 Abbey Road
Cambridge, UK

Dear sir,

Letter of Recommendation

I am writing to you to recommend that the student mentioned below continue his studies on American English literature at Harvard University under the American Indonesian Scholarship Program.

Name of Student      :  Alexander Sutoro
Date of Birth            :  May 28, 1986
Address                  :  No. 1 Jalan Gatot Subroto
Bandung, 40109, Indonesia

Mr. Alexander Sutoro just graduated from our university with the best achievement. He completed his degrees with an achievement index of 3,98 out of a possible 4,00.

I am confident that he has the intellectual capacity and potential ability to finish his master’s course at Harvard University.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ramlan Hussen
Chairman of Department of English Literature

Student Recommendation Letter Sample

Public University of Indonesia

Department of English Literature
Faculty of Language
111 Jalan Prof. Lafran Pane, Depok, Indonesia

November 12, 2020

Dr. Julian Harris
Chairman of Department of English Literature
Cambridge University
25 Abbey Road
Cambridge, UK

Dear sir,

Letter of Recommendation

I hereby would like to recommend that the student mentioned below pursue his studies in English literature at Cambridge University.

Name of Student      :  Hasan Amin, MA
Date of Birth            :  June 28, 1980
Address                  :  102 Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani
Bandung, 40111, Indonesia

I have known Mr. Hasan Amin since 2000, when he took the entrance test for his degrees at the Public University of Indonesia with a perfect score. Therefore, I am confident that he deserves to join the Cambridge University Scholarship Program.

He also completed his master with an achievement index of 3,96 out of a possible 4,00.

I believe that he has the intellectual capacity and potential ability to finish his doctoral course at Cambridge University.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ramlan Hussen
Chairman of Department of English Literature

Visa Recommendation Letter Sample


The University of Bandung
Jalan Tamansari no. 777, Bandung 40114, Phone: 62-22-777555, website :

March 29, 2020

Chief, Visa Section, US Embassy
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan 5
Jakarta 10110

Dear Sir:

RE : Visa Recommendation

We are writing to recommend that one of our students request an applicable visa for his visit to the United States of America.

Name            : Hasan Abdullah
Date of Birth   : 15 September, 1997
Address         : Jl. Mekarsari no. 5, Bandung 41293, West Java

He is now completing his doctoral program at our university in his third year.  One of the requirements for his graduation is that he has to present a paper at the 150th Meeting of the Information Technology Society that will be held in Miami, Florida, from May 5th to May 10th, 2020. Therefore, he got my full permission to be absent from the university.

During his stay in the US, his expenses and his round-trip tickets will be taken care of by our university.

Thank you for your attention.


Professor Ujang Sumantri
The University of Bandung

Formulating persuasive recommendation letters is both an art and a responsibility. These documents have the power to shape individuals’ futures and open doors to new opportunities. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and customizing your letters to suit the context, you can provide invaluable support to those seeking to achieve their academic and professional goals. Remember, a well-written recommendation letter is not just a piece of paper; it’s a testament to the potential and promise of the individual it represents.

If you are currently looking for a job, you can see these application letters here.

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