Business Letter Closings

In business communication, people normally use the same phrases in most parts of their letter. See the following business letter closings they generally use. You can use these business letter closings also without having to make up your own phrases or closings. See also parts of business letters here.

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Business Letter Closings
Source: Rodnae Productions from Pexels



1. Awaiting  for your reply /call /order with much interest, we remain ….
2. Hoping you will have …, we remain….
3. Kindly write to us should you need …
4. Please write to us should you need …
5. Kindly inform us should you need …
6. Kindly let us know should you need …
7. For more information regarding …kindly e-mail us at …
8. For more information regarding … please e-mail us at …
9. Please accept our gratitude for …
10. Thank you in advance for …
11. Thank you in anticipation for …
12. We are looking forward to hearing from you  with much interests.
13. We are looking forward to seeing you at your earliest convenience.
14. We trust that you will select our products and we look forward to working with you in the near future.
15. We hope that we can be your business partner in the near future.
16. Please call us if there is something we can do for your company.
17. Thank you for your attention.
18. If we can be of future help, please call us at extension 2345.
19. We hope to see you in our store soon.

20. We are looking forward to seeing you again in our store

21. We will be happy to send you a copy of our preliminary design report.


Business Letter Elements


Business Letter Closings

Layout of Business Letters

Letter Phrases

Parts of Business Letters

Optional Business Letter Parts


Business Letter Book


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