Announcement Letter for Business Events | Englet

As a business owner, we sometimes have to write an announcement letter to get our messages out to the public. For one thing, we, in some cases, have to declare our business takeover. Besides, we also sometimes need to declare bankruptcy. On the other hand, we also often need to share our happiness of opening a new branch of our business. See if the following announcement letter samples suit your situations.

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Announcement Letter Sample for Opening New Branch

Announcement Letter for Opening New Branch 

Grace’s Mart
No. 5 South Street, Miami, Florida 33703 Tlp. (813) 544-4678

March 12, 2021
Mrs. Peggy T Mansfield
1 Caribbean Street
Miami, Fl 12345
Dear Mrs. Mansfield,
Grace’s Mart is pleased to announce that we have just added a new location close to your residence for your convenience.
Our new branch location is 123 North Street, Fort Canaveral, Florida 33704, Telephone (814) 234 7679.
We are looking forward to seeing you in our new location.
Jack Morgan

Announcement Letter Sample for Closing Business

Announcement Letter for Closing Business

Good Buy Furniture
No. 1 Caribbean Street, Miami, Florida 33703 Tlp. (813) 544-4678

March 28, 2021
Brandon Harrison
The Owner of Harrison’s House Appliances
No. 2 Main Street
Miami, Florida 33703
Dear Mr. Harrison,
Good Buy Furniture has to inform you  that we have just officially closed our business that has been running for almost 10 years.
We have made this difficult decision due to our failure in managing our debt. We thank you very much for your cooperation.
John Minor

Announcement Letter Sample for Business Takeover

Announcement Letter for Business Takeover

Forever Furniture Suppliers
No. 5 South Street, Miami, Florida 33703 Tlp. (813) 544-4678

April 1, 2021
Mrs. Barbara Harris
Furniture Shop
No. 1 Caribbean Way
Miami, Florida 23456
Dear Mrs. Harris,
I hereby notify you that Forever Furniture Suppliers has been purchased by another company with good reputation and trustworthy, True Furniture Suppliers. And its address is no. 5 Southern Street, Miami, Fl 23456, Phone: 350-995643.
Consequently, all of our financial assets have been taken by the new company. For your convenience, you can still continue your business with this new company as usual.
We thank you very much for being our loyal customer.
Dan Ashley